The Mother of Johnny Johnson Requesting Your Help! to write a Protest Letter Protesting the Parole of the killer who murdered her son Thomas Lee Reissig, TDCJ #00677119
What You Can Do - Your Voice Can make a Difference! Send letters, emails, or faxes protesting the parole of: Thomas Lee Reissig, TDCJ #00677119 Enclosed/Attached is a suggested/sample Protest Letter to copy and paste or you may write in your own words. Please don’t forget to date and sign your Protest Letter.
Send an email, fax or written Protest Letter to:
US Postal Mail Angela McCown, Director C/o TDCJ Victim Services Division 8712 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 265 Austin, Texas 78757 (Write "Protest Letter" in ink across outside bottom left hand side of envelope) Fax # 512-452-0825
Protest Letters are Confidential: