"To set aside time to hear the voices of the victim is an act of simple, human decency."



The family of Donald R Sanford

Requesting Your Help!

to write a Protest Letter Protesting the Parole of one of the men who murdered

Bradley Wynn McClour, TDCJ #00877527


What You Can Do - Your Voice Can make a Difference!

Send letters, emails, or faxes protesting the parole of: 

Bradley Wynn McClour, TDCJ #00877527

Enclosed/Attached is a suggested/sample Protest Letter to copy and paste or you may write in your own words. Please don’t forget to date and sign yourProtest Letter.


Send an email, fax or written Protest Letter to: 


US Postal Mail

Angela McCown, Director

C/o TDCJ Victim Services Division

8712 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 265

Austin, Texas 78757

(Write “Protest Letter” in ink across outside bottom left hand side of envelope)

Fax # 512-452-0825
E-mail to: victim.svc@tdcj.state.texas.gov    Subject Line: PROTEST LETTER



Protest Letters are Confidential:
Government Code 508.313 (a) lists protest letters as confidential and privileged information.
Sec. 508.313. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  (a)  All information obtained and maintained, including a victim protest letter or other correspondence, a victim impact statement, a list of inmates eligible for release on parole,
 and an arrest record of an inmate, is confidential and privileged if the information relates to:
 (1) an inmate of the institutional division subject to release on parole, release to mandatory supervision, or executive clemency;
 (2) a releasee;  or
 (3) a person directly identified in any proposed plan of release for an inmate.